Monday, August 12, 2013
Education: My take
Education: My take on it
What is education today? Education is a tool to promote growth and change. In order to be a successful member of society you have to have an education. It’s one of the building blocks that people need to evolve. A lot of stigma falls to people who are uneducated. They’re said to be stupid or unmotivated, not going anywhere in life and just plain lazy. History can however tell us this isn’t always the case. Einstein had a learning disability but he was still a genius. Sometimes education alone doesn’t push us to who we are sometimes having the passion and the will takes over and saves the day. Plutarch said “The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.”
Through the class we have talked about various themes. We started with passion. What is passion and its relationship to oneself? Better yet what is the relationship between passion and poverty and education? These are all questions we explored through our blogs and amongst each other. We talked about the kids in Texas and the stance he took with the teacher. He bravely stood up to her and didn’t back down. We touched on Andrade and his roses in concrete and all the great work he’s done with the youth in Oakland and how he continues to inspire and teacher kids who otherwise wouldn’t have a chance. Lastly we read Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. This story was based on the events leading up to the death of Chris McCandless aka Alexander Supertramp. Chris was a very eager smart young man who’s final odyssey was to make it to Alaska and survive in to wild all alone. The overall theme of the paper is education and how I feel these topics intersect.
In this paper I talk about education and how it’s a tool to grow and develop individuals from childhood age through college age. Next I talk about Andrade and how with his commitment to his community has change several students in Oakland public school and has sparked change in the community. I talk about various obstacles I’ve had in my personal life, obstacles Chris Mc Candless may have had, The brave kid in Texas who stood up for himself against the odds. Lastly I talk about how I’m overcoming the obstacles and my success. Education means different things to many but the theme here is the same, how can it change and shape you and how you can perceiver.
Education is a tool. We’re introduced to it at an early age. From adolescences through adulthood we are expected to seek education. It’s demanded of us. To me it’s a tool to form human development and growth. Without it many will not survive or if they do they will not have the optimal existence. Now they’re are rare occurrences were this isn’t the case but generally speaking education is a must. Why? We are shaped by what we know. Could a man or women provide for his or her family if he didn’t know how to read or even have the basic math skills? The answer is no he would have no way to operate in a work environment. That is the end goal of education isn’t it? We send you to school for at least 13 years you learn the bare essential to function, some go to college and learn more some don’t and you work and work till you can retire if you can afford it or you die. Aristotle said “The educated differ from the uneducated as much as the living differ from the dead” This I find to be absolutely true. Its alarming that in 2013 people who have the highest forms of education still struggle, while we cast out and shun the uneducated because they don’t live up to the standards of living that were set so long ago. It’s a necessary evil that will either make us or break us. Fundamental tools such as education are meant to help us and unless we utilize that help were no better than the next guy.
From infancy we grow. We learn from the beginning by listening to our mothers in the womb and later watching the people around us. Our minds are shaped by a societal norm even before we realize it. Growth is essential to function. No arguments about that. Education is the tool that further helps us to grow outside of what we’ve learned in our home environment. We learn skills and year after year we move to a different grade level and improve upon those skills. Through the educational process we also grow and develop personalities (well most of us do). Our uniqueness is something that may come out while going through the “formal” educational years if you will. Simply if we modeled what we “learned” from elementary school through high school. By the time the pomp and circumstance plays at your college graduation you have a pretty good idea what kind of person you’re going to be and for many of us education played a role to shape it. Confucius said “Give a bowl of rice to a man and you will feed him for a day. Teach him how to grow his own rice and you will save his life.” Like I said before education is that tool we need in order to grow our own rice. I hate math I suck at it but I know without it I cannot provide for me family. For the first few years of college I put off taking any math classes because of my disdain for the subject. I failed the assessment test and had to start at the very beginning. This was very embarrassing to me but I knew I had to do it so I finally built up the guts and went ahead and took a math class. Although all my math class are somewhat refresher courses from high school I still have grown from them. I still have my struggles with math but I’ve found not hating it as much and just accepting that I need it to grow has helped. If you lead a horse to water they won’t always drink but you don’t know that till you try. Teachers at school or in life in general give us what we need to grow but it’s up to us what we do with the tool.
Although Education is a building block for society it isn’t always achievable for all. Education is not created equal. By this I mean it differs from place to place and may not provide us with the essentials we need for survival. Kids in the hoods of Oakland aren’t given the same opportunities as the kids from Connecticut or somewhere where more opportunities exist. If that wasn’t enough some kids have to fight just to be safe in their own school environment. In Oakland the kids wage through war zones, Deal with their friends and families getting killed day in and day out. How is it fair to expect them to thrive when the deck is stacked against them? We can’t possibly sit back and watch them fail year after year but yet that’s exactly what has happened in Oakland for a long period of time. The dropout rate for Oakland is almost 25 percent although this is an improvement it’s not enough (source SF gate Blog). community needs to be just as outraged as they were when George Zimmerman was acquitted for the lack of education and the increase in crime that plagues their community. Instead like most working class people they are concerned about their day to day lives. I’m just as worried as the next person about my life but these kids will never have a chance if someone does nothing. Luckily for some Jeff Andrade has stepped up to help the youth in his community thrive and become roses in the concrete. Robert Frost said “I am not a teacher, but an awakener” Andrade is the awakener in a community plagued by daily violence. He has made it his life’s work to inspire and change. More people are needed like Andrade. If every educator saw as much potential in their students as he does the dropout rates wouldn’t exists we would be filling the college’s not the prison’s and the cemeteries. Maya Angelou said “Segregation shaped me; Education liberated me” lets liberate the children because let’s face it out future depends on it.
There’s a saying that goes it takes a village. This statement holds very true in my life. There’s been a huge village of supports to push me through college and those same supporters are cheering me to the finish line. I’ve had many obstacles along the journey but I’m still here holding strong. After I had my youngest son I knew something had to give in my life. Working retail forever was a dead end kind of life for me. With that being said I decided I wanted to go back, no in fact I decided I had to go back to school. The 2 biggest obstacles to that were losing time to spend with my kids and the lack of time I’d have period. The two ways that helped were having a support system and knowing I had to do it and failure wasn't an option.
So many people will tell you family comes first and really it does. Maya Angelou said I sustain myself with the love of my family” Without my kids who knows where I’d be. I became a mom at an early age and when my daughter was about 6 or 8 months I took one Spanish class at Chabot to see if I could do it. It wasn't the easiest task but I did it. The next fall I enrolled in 2 classes and at first everything was fine but then my ex-husband decided to be less than helpful and I had to withdrawal from my classes. Now I’m sure you’re wondering well why this is relevant to why I stay in school now. That’s simple it reminds me that I can’t let people stop me from reaching my goals. OK so fast forward about 8-9 years and I’m back in college I have more kids now but my ex-husband isn’t an obstacles I have more support and I’m more motivated than ever to finish school to prove for my kids and to show them that if I can do it with a full time job and a family anyone can.
My second biggest hurdle is time. I have four kids and a job and that right there is time consuming, than add 2 school nights a week, homework and studying and all your time is now gone. I always feel like time is working against me but I can’t stop now I’m too close to the finish line. Oprah Winfrey says “You can have it all. Just not all at once.” We can have our dreams come true we just have to be patience, work hard and wait. Time doesn't stop but I've learned maximizing your time well help get you where you need to go. Obstacles are always going to be wherever you look the key is finding solutions to help you. In class we discussed that kid in Texas who got kicked out of his class because the teacher felt he was a nuances. Instead of just leaving the class room without saying anything he voiced his opinion to the shock and awe of his peers and the teacher. You see obstacles can be in the form of the educators meant to educate. Many times I personally have encountered a burnt out teacher who just wants to collect a check. I don’t at all blame them, I blame the system. The system is so broken many teachers just don’t have a lot of options to help educate the youth. This leaves them at a standstill. James Madison said “The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.” We must remind ourselves that although obstacles exist there’s always a way out. History has shown us this time and time again.
I have the best support system any single parent can have. Without my family I wouldn't be able to go to school at all. This indeed may not be necessary for a young single person but it’s a must for a single parent like me. When I went back to school in 2009 to become a medical assistant at Chabot I had the full support and backing of my family. They easily could have not helped me with this but that’s not the case. When I’m at school they watch my kids make sure my kids do their homework and take care of anything they need till I get home. I owe a debt of gratitude to them every day. Kobe Bryant said “my parents are my backbone. Still are. They're the only group that will support you if you score zero or you score 40” My family is the same way and I’m very thankful they've supported my dream. Unlike Chris Mcandless I’ve always had the support of my mom. Even if she doesn’t exactly agree with my choices she still has my back. The best gift I’ve been given is the support to chase my educational goals. Being a mom myself I never want my kids to feel like I’ve deprived them of reaching their goals. I’m sure in Billie’s mind she in no way felt her behavior drove Chris away but in his mind this was absolutely the case. Chris said to Careen after his graduate this quote that resonates in many ways to me Chris said “I'm going to paraphrase Thoreau here... rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth ”Chris was looking for an existence that wasn’t of pacification but one of truth. It make me wonder if he got this very thing from his parents would he be alive to tell his own story. I’m glad I don’t feel as he did about his mother. I’m glad I have a support system that see’s beyond my faults and accepts me for who I am. We need that in order to succeed in a world that wants us to fail.
The second way I overcome obstacles is by not giving up. What kind of message would I be sending to my children if I threw in the towel when times get rough? I’d be telling them it was OK to quit. This isn't the message I will convey to them. I have to keep pushing no matter what. The old saying goes a winner never quits and its true they don’t so I refuse to quit I have to win .Jon Krakauer wrote “The core of mans' spirit comes from new experiences.” College was a new chapter in my life and getting my AA is in my sights I have to just stay focused. Trials will come but I know I have people counting on me so I always have that in the back of my mind. Teddy Roosevelt said “I believe you can and you're already there” I’m here, I’m not leaving I will finish college and make everyone proud. Sure who doesn’t want to throw in the towel? I’m pregnant and at every turn I want to quit. Obstacles are always going to be there. The strong figure out a way around it and don’t cave. In the midst of Chris’s Alaska journey there was obstacles at every turn but he didn’t allow himself to throw in the towel. His car got messed up he left it and started to hitch hike, He had no money he would go to work, He had no place to stay and he found shelter. He was a strong young man, one who was determined to perceiver regardless of his shortfalls. I commend Chris. In a million years I would never have as much courage to walk away from everything I loved and cared about and went on my own path. Even on bad days I look at my kids and the reminder not to quit is there. Like Chris said “Now I walk into the wild” In a way so do I. I walk into the classroom ready to learn achieve and make my dreams come true.
Chris was a smart kid. He went to prestige’s schools and did well. Never the less this wasn’t the driving force of his passion. Once he discovered the truth about his parents his real passion was to escape the oppression he felt he was under. He still obeyed what they told him to do until he was done with college but after that he felt he was free to live his life the way he wanted. I think Chris being a smart educated kid made him confident he could conquer his conquest. This may have made him seem arrogant to some but to me his education helped fuel his passion. He almost made it out when he found what he was looking for in the wild and I think on the day he went to cross the river if the tide hadn't been so high or he would have found another way around he would be alive to tell his own story. Passion drives us all too many different outcomes in life and I think that’s where the book and the passion project intersect. Chris was passionate about getting to Alaska and his parents were passionate about money and what money provided them. They didn’t seem to see eye to eye on these values but Chris did oblige them till he felt enough was enough. According to Krakauer “It is easy, when you are young, to believe that what you desire is no less than what you deserve, to assume that if you want something badly enough, it is your God-given right to have it.” Chris believed that it was his right to express himself in a manner his parents didn’t always agree with. I would say him being an intelligent educated young man gave him the strength to branch out and do what he wanted. Was he naive to a point? Absolutely he was but with that he wasn’t afraid to just take a risk. Many of us are too afraid to jump out there without a safety net. Those lessons are what we perhaps learned from our educational years. You go to school, work. Take minimal risks and live life but for others like Chris this wasn’t enough and I don’t blame him. We all take different things out of education and living life how you want is what Chris perhaps got from it. I just wish he was here to tell us his story.
Entering back into college has been a struggle. Some days like I said before I want to throw in the towel but I don’t. I know I’ve come this far and I can’t quit now. My most successful moment so far in college was completing the Medical Assistant program at Chabot and getting a job a day before we graduated. I hadn’t worked in 2 years and I felt so accomplished that last day of medical assisting. My teachers had prepared me to be the best CMA I could be and I was ready to prove it. With my certificate in hand I started working were I still work today I might add and set out to do a good job. I busted my ass and by doing that I turned what was supposed to be a temporary position into a permanent one. In that moment I felt like Alex when he said “You are wrong if you think Joy emanates only...from human relationships. God has placed it all around us...and all you have to do is reach for it.” My success at work isn’t about the paycheck (don’t get me wrong paycheck’s are nice) but rather how much I can help someone else. It makes me very happy when my patients are happy and that’s the greatest success story in medicine. Patients die and move on but making them happy is part of my job and if I can do that I’ve accomplished a lot. Albert Einstein said it best when he said “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” I appreciate my job and the people I encounter (most days) it make me a better person one of true value.
Like I said before the end game in life and with education is success. We don’t go to school to think life will be so hard. We all have rose color glasses on straight out of high school. People tell you the world is now your oyster live it up, and silly us we believe it. Now imagine how life is for the uneducated. It’s a million times harder. People who want education sometimes can’t even get it. That’s just the way of the world. I’m thankful that I have an education and the pursuit of higher education is available for me to make my dreams a reality. I’m hopeful everyone rich or poor will be able to have the basic educational need met so they too can become roses in the concrete. We all have thrones. Either you get pricked by your thrones or air on the side of caution and minimize how often or how deeply you get pricked. We are our worst enemy. We need to be tough and stick it out. Everyday life is just like the wild and only the strong survive. Krakauer said “That's what was great about him. He tried. Not many do.” Time to try and try again with all the passion we have inside. If we don’t what happens next is only on us.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Strategies for the final paper
quite honestly my strategy was to take only the relevant content and put it into word than try and figure out the questions that would relate to what had been written in the blog. Dumping everything from the blog in the paper isn't working for me because it isn't a solid theme. After I've pulled out all relevant content ill rule of three a few other questions to grow length. Last step are to check my quotes build my hook,book and cook and conclude... Paper finished
Looking glass self
Should a student in the passion class be asked to critique education?
I think anyone who’s ever been in an education setting could be asked the question granted it may or may not be answered to the specific level their currently in. The 18 year old kid may come to some kind of realization about education when being asked this question and take a different approach to their own education. It can be used as an eye opening discussion if you will a way to branch out and connect the dots. Probing questions inspire you to take a harder look at oneself and if posed correctly can be efficient to the program.
Should people be honest with themselves?
You should always be honest with yourself. The best people can take a hard look at themselves and their surroundings and look and see what works in life and what doesn't
work. People get too caught up worrying about things that don’t always matter and can’t look at things as critical. Nobody will be as honest about you as you will if that makes any sense. Many times were too busy look at everyone else around us and not as worried about self. I often times must acknowledge my own shortcomings in this situation. Rather than being honest with myself I’m to busy worried about others. Only when I step back and realize I need to change my focus can I. Thursday, August 1, 2013
What kind of student are you?
I'm a Laser. It took me a really long time to figure it out but at this point that's where I am at Chabot.
When I first came to Chabot I took classes just to get a feel for the place so I was a explorer for a while. As I get further along I know what needs to be accomplished and I just do it. In order to get my AA I have about 3 classes left not counting what I'm taking in the fall. Without out the structure of Calworks program I was in back in 2009 I wouldn't have a clue what to do. Eops/Calworks has a great set of faculty who go out of their way to help the students. The help you with you student education plan and you go from there. I also would love to mention that I have a certificate of medical assisting that I obtained at Chabot under the very fabulous Medical Assisting program ran by Jane Vallely. in addition to Calworks I learned the most From Jane. Abraham Lincoln said“I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down.” Jane was that person for me and program prepared me to be a great Medical Assistant . I'm ready to finish and apply to nursing school and without the preparation I wouldn't even be close...
Focusing The Lasers from Sean McFarland on Vimeo.
I'm a Laser. It took me a really long time to figure it out but at this point that's where I am at Chabot.
When I first came to Chabot I took classes just to get a feel for the place so I was a explorer for a while. As I get further along I know what needs to be accomplished and I just do it. In order to get my AA I have about 3 classes left not counting what I'm taking in the fall. Without out the structure of Calworks program I was in back in 2009 I wouldn't have a clue what to do. Eops/Calworks has a great set of faculty who go out of their way to help the students. The help you with you student education plan and you go from there. I also would love to mention that I have a certificate of medical assisting that I obtained at Chabot under the very fabulous Medical Assisting program ran by Jane Vallely. in addition to Calworks I learned the most From Jane. Abraham Lincoln said“I'm a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn't have the heart to let him down.” Jane was that person for me and program prepared me to be a great Medical Assistant . I'm ready to finish and apply to nursing school and without the preparation I wouldn't even be close...
Focusing The Lasers from Sean McFarland on Vimeo.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Success is.........
How we define success
In this day in age success is usually defined by how much money you make, what kind of car you drive, what your house looks like and how well you live. These are the “human” determinations as I call them. I measure life a bit differently however. A man cannot be measure by what material value their live holds but what they've accomplished in life. I feel the best thing to gauge your successes are how well you can provide a stable loving environment for your children, if you can set and met all your education goals and how lastly how you feel about yourself as a person (do you value your own worth?)
My children as I've said before are everything to me. I live to make sure they are taken care of, that’s a challenge in itself. It’s hard being a single parent to four kids and one in the oven but it’s one I take with pride and very seriously. I remember how much my oldest daughter changed my perspective on life when she was born. The minute I laid eyes on her life just changed Now success in being a mom isn't how much stuff you can buy them, it’s about love and support and at times those things are challenging and they may not see it that way but I do the best I can. If I woke up and I felt like Billie Mcandless I don’t know how I could go on. I’m sure she felt like she gave Chris the best life possible but in the end he felt like he was missing something and perhaps he was but he never told them what that was. I hope I never have to feel that. I hope my parenting has told them they can talk to me or better yet if they can’t they have other people they can talk to who will support them if they need it. Nicholas Sparks said “What it's like to be a parent: It's one of the hardest things you'll ever do but in exchange it teaches you the meaning of unconditional love.” I believe through trials and tribulations and years of working at it my kids will be the best they can be. We have our daily struggles but we will work through them and strive for the best. Jon Krakauer said “According to the moral absolutism that characterizes McCandless's beliefs, a challenge in which a successful outcome is assured isn't a challenge at all.” Having kids doesn’t guarantee a certain outcome come it takes work and you have to be willing to whatever it takes.
Entering back into college has been a struggle. Some days I want to throw in the towel but I don’t. I know I’ve come this far and I can’t quit now. My most successful moment so far in college was completing the Medical Assistant program at Chabot and getting a job a day before we graduated. I hadn’t worked in 2 years and I felt so accomplished that last day of medical assisting. My teachers had prepared me to be the best CMA I could be and I was ready to prove it. With my certificate in hand I started working were I still work today I might add and set out to do a good job. I busted my ass and by doing that I turned what was supposed to be a temporary position into a permanent one. In that moment I felt like Alex when he said “You are wrong if you think Joy emanates only...from human relationships. God has placed it all around us...and all you have to do is reach for it.” My success at work isn’t about the paycheck (don’t get me wrong paycheck’s are nice) but rather how much I can help someone else. It makes me very happy when my patients are happy and that’s the greatest success story in medicine. Patients die and move on but making them happy is part of my job and if I can do that I’ve accomplished a lot. Albert Einstein said it best when he said “Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.” I appreciate my job and the people I encounter (most days) it make me a better person one of true value.
Successful people know and treasure their self-worth. People tend to take themselves for granted. I am one of them. When I was younger my dad wasn’t around that much. So when I got older I was destined to find someone to fill that void. I had a baby right out of high school and I felt that did the trick, but it wasn’t enough. I held onto my relationship with my ex longer than I probably should have and it played a trick on my confidence. When I didn’t feel like anyone loved me I just thought it was my fault. That feeling stemmed from a childhood not feeling like my dad wanted or appreciated me. I let people into my life who abused the fact that I had I need to be wanted and it wasn’t until I met my boyfriend that I changed. Chris said in into the wild “I'm going to paraphrase Thoreau here... rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth. “ I needed someone to give me that truth and my love did that for me. He was very patience and kind. He endured a whole lot more than anyone should to love me and he never gave up. I’m grateful to him for that. Through he’s eyes I saw I was better than what I thought. I now know that I sold myself short in lots of instances just to please people. Today I value myself more than I ever have. I don’t take shit from pretty much anyone and that’s ok. Krakauer said “It’s not always necessary to be strong, but to feel strong.” I have moments when I don’t feel the strongest but I will not let that stop me. I’ve been to the bottom and the view is way better from the top!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
My other passion
This song for good is about a relationship between two friends that may or may not be coming to an end. but what they found out is no matter what happens they're better off because they knew one another. On bad days I turn this song on and I feel free. Passion doesn't always have to be what you can do for others, sometimes it can be something you do to help yourself. Music is my escape from the world if only just for a few minutes. I can get lost and a song and feel some of my problems melt away. When that happens I'm back in my happy place ready to carry on with the rest of my day.
Student stands up to lazy teacher @ Duncanville, TX High School
What would you do if you felt like you weren't learning in class. The answer most of us would sit and just do whatever the teacher said, but not this guy. He stood up for what he believed in so much that i feel its inspiring to others to do the same thing. Education in this country is a joke.Some kids lack basic skills when they graduate from high school. We should be asking ourselves why is that? We often wonder whats wrong with our youth but the answer is again quite simple we fail to prepare them. I'm glad this young man stood up to his teacher. It was a brave move but one he felt was necessary to address. I'm hopeful one day especially in California that we do a better service to our children and REALLY prepare them for the world through education.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Roses in the concrete
People have been saying for years all it takes is a committed
teacher to teach our youth. Jeff Duncan Andrade embodies committed. When lots of teachers were fleeing the Oakland
public schools he was busy embracing it and the kids needed him. I’m amazed at
this man’s dedication to education when so many others are out to collect a
check. Studies have often shown students can thrive if they are introduced to a
program and have someone to mentor them. I’m encouraged by this man and his
dedication to his students. I wish for my children to have a dedicated teacher
like him when they get to high school. William Arthur Ward said “The mediocre teacher
tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great
teacher inspires.” Our youth today need inspiration and encouragement to grow
out of the concrete. It has been done others need to just follow his lead
1 What is being done to counsel the kids who see
all the violence in their community?
How could parents help to enrich the lives of
the urban youth?
Why is Piedmont exempt from all the violence in Oakland ?

Chris Mcandless aka Alexander Supertramp had a passion for adventure. He set out right after graduating from college on the open road to view what the real America was like first hand. He was very reckless in his attempt living with no money, food or shelter but he didn't have a care in the world he was exploring the world and he like it that way. I’m sure people would say carefree exploration wasn't passion it was carelessness the same carelessness that got him killed in the first place, but I’d argue that you can’t tell one person what he can or cannot be passionate about. That is up to the individual. Eleanor Roosevelt said “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” Just as I feel my passion is to help people Chris’s was to explore and live and love every minute of it. It may have been the best decision in the long run but it was his and he was committed to it that’s saying something.
We had a class discussion about the privileged individual and passion. Chris came from a family of privilege but he didn't let that affect him. From the time he was little he would find ways to work hard and earn his keep. Many children who are born to privilege think life should be handed to them but in Chris’s case it was the opposite. If anything Billie and Walt taught him that stuck it was hard work and the value of hard work. Chris prided himself on that and was very passionate about his abilities to work hard and anything that came his way no matter the task. This stereotype of passion and privilege doesn't always connect just as all people who face poverty may or may not have a passion for anything. Life, our circumstances and surroundings shapes and molds are passion not the amount of money we have or where we live etc.
Chris was a smart kid. He went to prestige’s schools and did well. Never the less this wasn’t the driving force of his passion. Once he discovered the truth about his parents his real passion was to escape the oppression he felt he was under. He still obeyed what they told him to do until he was done with college but after that he felt he was free to live his life the way he wanted. I think Chris being a smart educated kid made him confident he could conquer his conquest. This may have made him seem arrogant to some but to me his education helped fuel his passion. He almost made it out when he found what he was looking for in the wild and I think on the day he went to cross the river if the tide hadn't been so high or he would have found another way around he would be alive to tell his own story. Passion drives us all to many different outcomes in life and I thing that were the book and the passion project etc intersect.
My obstacles in college and how i'm overcoming them
After I had my youngest son I knew something had to give in my
life. Working retail forever was a no end kind of life for me. With that being
said I decided I wanted to go back , no in fact I decided I had to go back to
school. The 2 biggest obstacles to that were losing time to spend with my kids
and the lack of time I’d have period. The two ways that helped were having a
support system and knowing I had to do it and failure wasn't an option.
So many people will tell you family comes first and really
it does. Without my kids who knows where I’d be. I became a mom at an early age and when my daughter was
about 6 or 8 months I took one Spanish class at Chabot to see if I could do it.
It wasn't the easiest task but I did it. The next fall I enrolled in 2 classes
and at first everything was fine but then my ex husband decided to be less than
helpful and I had to withdrawal from my classes. Now I’m sure you’re wondering
well why is this relevant to why I stay in school now? That’s simple it reminds
me that I can’t let people stop me from reaching my goals. OK so fast forward
about 8-9 years and I’m back in college. I have more kids now but my asshole ex
husband is out of the picture and I’m more motivated than ever to finish school
to prove to my kids that if I can do it with a full time job and a family
anyone can.
My second
biggest hurdle is time. I have four kids and a job and that right there is time
consuming, than add 2 school nights a week, homework and studying and all your
time is now gone. I always feel like time is working against me but I can’t
stop now I’m too close to the finish line. Oprah Winfrey says “You can have it all. Just not all at
once.” We can have our dreams
come true we just have to be patience, work hard and wait. Time doesn't stop
but I've learned maximizing your time well help get you where you need to go.
Obstacles are always going to be wherever you look the key is finding solutions
to help you.
I have the best support
system any single parent can have. Without them I wouldn't be able to go to
school at all. This indeed may not be necessary for a young single person but it’s
a must for a single parent like me. When I went back to school in 2009 to
become a medical assistant at Chabot I had the full support and backing of my
family. They easily could have not helped me with this but that’s not the case.
When I’m at school they watch my kids make sure my kids do their homework and take
care of anything they need till I get home. I owe a debt of gratitude to them
every day. Kobe Bryant said “my
parents are my backbone. Still are. They're the only group that will support
you if you score zero or you score 40” My family is the same way and I’m very
thankful they've supported my dream.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Passions and Poverty
What’s the connection between passion and poverty?
Some people would argue that when you have nothing you have more passion than people who are well off. Others would argue people who live on or below the poverty line don’t have time for passion because they’re too busy concerned with the everyday struggle and lack of time doesn't permit passion. I think it’s a combination of both things. What is passion? It could be a desire to help people, it could be passion for music or nature or what have you, passion varies from person to person.
My passion is helping people. Ever since I was little I wanted to be two things number one a princess and number two a teacher. I guess princesses don’t help people but teachers sure do. My drive has always been to do what I could for people no matter the cost. I’m not a teacher obviously but I help people in others ways. I don’t know what poverty looks like from firsthand experience but I do know what not having time for passion means. Keeping my passions alive is a constant struggle one I have to keep in mind when the time escapes me. Martha Graham said “Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion.” We are great because of our passion no matter what they are.
Everyone has passion. It just differs from person to person. Mine is helping people yours could be as simple as living for the moment and cherishing it. It’s as simple as that really. As long as something moves you even if you’re not quite sure what it is. I’m sure people who face poverty have a passion to survive and that’s good enough for me. The struggle is real and it affects people every day. Fredrick Douglass said “if there is no struggle, there is no progress.” That quote is a prime example of passion. Many people fight through the day just to make it and that’s what real today.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Passion Project My view
Passion is something most of us lose along the way. Life usually gets in the way and the passion in turn dies. That's normal in my point of view. My passion is to help people. I've always felt a need to go out of my way for the people I care about. This has not always work to my benefit but I refuse to give up. My passion for helping people has lead me back to school to pursue nursing. The passion project makes sense to anyone who has lost their passion along the way. It may renew your desire to change direction in life or just make you see your doing all the right things! I think the community of high school graduates planing on entering community college should have to watch the passion project. Its hard leaving high school and transitioning to college, its uncharted territory. They should know that its OK not to know what major their going to pursue etc. Instead a lot of them come to Chabot in a panic and drop out because they had no support.. This video tells you its OK to make mistakes in those mistake you may find you passion, and it may be one you weren't expecting at all
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